February 23, 2009

Tea with Beatrix on a Cold, Blustery Day

'Tis blustery, snowy, and cold today. At times one can hardly see out to the garden of herbs. It is hard to remember when it was green, flowery, and warm.

Ones memory is refreshed with warm garden remembrances.

It has been reported to The Corgyncombe Courant that the Corg'ery needed a shovel out around the fence as the snow was clear to the top, making the fence almost nonexistent as the Corgyn could walk right o'er it.

Inside Corgyncombe Cottage it is cozy and warm. Beatrix Flopsy Bunny is brought from where she resides in the parlour into the old kitchen. Atop the work table Beatrix thinks she would like to try some tea...

One of The Corgyncombe Courant's all time favorite songs is "Perfect Day", sung by Miriam Stockley. It was used as the theme song of "The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends, Beatrix Potter", that The Corgyncombe Courant featured yesterday.

Here is a link to:
"Perfect Day" on YouTube.

We at The Corgyncombe Courant hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!


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