The other day, whilst out and about, the reporters at The Corgyncombe Courant came across this little sock doll, made from a little child's sock.

The seller knew how The Corgyncombe Courant appreciates dolls, so gave the reporters a special price of only $5.00, and the little doll was very happy to come make her home at Corgyncombe. This little doll reminds The Corgyncombe Courant reporters of the little girl in the "Little Sallie Mandy" books, with her yellow hair and round red mouth. The little doll wears a skirt of blue check with red and yellow flowers with lace shoulder straps and matching blue check diaper. Her bonnet has a scalloped edge with a blue checked brim.
In the photograph above are the books "Little Sallie Mandy and the Shiny Penny" and "Little Sallie Mandy at the Farm". In the books, Sallie Mandy has a dolly of her own named Susie Anna. The books were written by Helen R. Van Derveer, with illustrations from original drawings by Bess Goe Willis.
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