March 5, 2009

Snow Covered Ice

Corgyncombe Happenings, Accident Report

The other day we had an appointment to take our corgyn to the veterinary for a routine visit. As time was getting short and your reporter's husband was still on the kitchen floor putting his new saw together, I said "But it's almost time to go, aren't you going to ready yourself?" Apparently he was too involved with the ins and outs of his new saw to pull himself away. I knew it would take time to make sure the corgyn had their necessary outing before being loaded in their crates in the vehicle. I loaded up Lydia's crate and went back for her, intending to carry her only a short distance. It wasn't far to walk, however one foot started sliding on the snow covered ice and down we went, my other foot went the other direction under my opposite side and twisted very oddly. It was a most unusual way to fall and I had never fallen that way before and I sensed it could be most bothersome. I loudly summoned my husband to come out and help me get up. Through it all I managed to still keep hold of Lydia who had to be pried out of my hands as I didn't want to let her loose outside the fence. We went to the veterinary where the routine visit was swiftly accomplished and on we went to hospital to have my leg x-rayed. After a very short time it was determined I had a small fracture in a non weight bearing bone that was considered fairly insignificant as sports injuries go. It was amazing how hard I fell and the position I fell on that it was just a little break. I am so glad that it wasn't into the joint. They put an air cast on and gave me crutches to use if I felt that I needed them. It's a bit sore and sometimes I do use my crutches but in the morning as the sun rose it was so beautiful that I laid my crutches up against the door and picked up my camera and started walking about without the crutches, taking photographs. Whilst taking photographs I could hear the pretty sounds of my play list that was turned up to the highest volume so I could hear it outside. The music was so inspiring. What a lovely morning, despite the difficulties. A friend inquired on the telephone saying "You haven't been out on the ice again, have you?"....


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