In referencing bunnies and knitted rabbit wool items from Beatrix Potter's stories and a knitting pattern, Tasha Tudor mentioned "The Workwoman's Guide" and wrote to us "Maybe you also own this invaluable work?" Those at Corgyncombe find that "The Workwoman's Guide" is indeed a most valuable guide. It contains information, patterns, and instructions relating to bonnets and caps, collars, stitches, shawls, frocks, sleeves, knitting, household items, and many other things. The book has instructions for making little stitches and "neat" and "neatly" are predominant words.

As was discussed in the March 2nd Edition of The Corgyncombe Courant, Diane's great grandmum's cousin Lena always emphasized tiny stitches in needlework.
Here is a link to: The Corgyncombe Courant, March 2nd Edition
Lena's occupation was a seamstress. She not only sewed clothing and doll clothing but also made many of the type of things that are in "The Workwoman's Guide". She and her husband also made hooked rugs and wove chair seats.
Tasha Tudor liked to make doll clothing and did an exquisite job of fashioning and sewing.
Tillie Tinkham, seamstress for the dolls at Corgyncombe, used "The Circular Long Sleeve" pattern and instructions from "The Workwoman's Guide" in a scaled down version to make a trial pattern to fit the lady dolls at Corgyncombe.
Here is a link to: Photographs of Tillie Tinkham
You inspired me to find a copy of The Workwoman's Guide to buy.
Greetings Linda,
The Corgyncombe Courant knows that you will enjoy "The Workwoman's Guide." Here is a link to where you can purchase "The Workwoman's Guide":
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