Charlotte and Sarah Delight in Autumnal Beauty
Charlotte dons her cape and bonnet and loves to go out and about in the beautiful Autumnal weather. Above, she is sitting on a moss covered log near Corgi Creek. Behind her, leaves can be seen falling from the trees. Charlotte was made by a very talented doll maker who also made the old fashioned clothing that Charlotte is wearing.
Lovely Autumnal leaves at water's edge on Corgi Creek. Green forget-me-not leaves can be seen under water.
Charlotte has found a purple aster and lavender in The Corgyncombe Garden of Herbs. Isn't the moss on the log lovely?
At the stone wall Charlotte stops to admire the Hen and chicks that has put forth most delightful and unusual pink flowers.
Sarah with her basket of apples, walking in the crunchy and fragrant Autumnal leaves. The leaves rustle about the skirt of Sarah's frock.
A collection of Autumnal loveliness next to Sarah's shawl.
Charlotte has wonderful shoes and stockings made by the talented lady who made her.
Above, a favorite Autumnal landscape.
Charlotte likes to observe the Autumnal apples and leaves. She is considering what she can make with the delicious apples she has picked.
How pretty Charlotte's bonnet is.
Tasha Tudor illustrated "A Brighter Garden" a collection of poetry by Emily Dickinson. We named our Corgi Emily after Diane's great great grandmother Emily Jane (Jones) Shepard and Emily (Jones) Shepard's cousin Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, as well as Emily Dickinson's mother Emily (Norcross) Dickinson. Tasha did such lovely illustrations in "A Brighter Garden". There is one illustration of a little country church with beautiful Autumnal landscapes round.
In the photograph above, Tasha Tudor's book "A Brighter Garden" is displayed in the Corgyncombe Library with Sarah's antique bonnet, antique shawl, and a basket of apples from the apple tree that the little wren calls home. The illustration in the book has a lady wearing a bonnet and shawl, holding a basket of apples with her faithful dog alongside, pausing to enjoy the Autumnal beauty.

Above, some of our favorite Autumnal landscapes.
Below, Sarah is picking some apples from the tree where the wren built a nest in the bird house this past summer. Sarah reminds us of Jo in Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women". Diane's 5th great grandfather was 1st cousin to Louisa May Alcott's great grandfather Samuel May. When told that Diane and Sarah were related to both Louisa May Alcott and Emily Dickinson Tasha Tudor said that it was to "no end impressive". Tasha also illustrated "Little Women" written by Louisa May Alcott.
Charlotte's stone wall and pumpkin.
The antique vest that Sarah wears reminds The Corgyncombe Courant of the old fashioned wool garments worn by the March girls in the 1994 movie version of "Little Women". Sarah's Mum handspun and knit Sarah's wool mittens. Sarah holds a turkey feather that she has collected for her Mum's straw hat. Turkey families can oft' times be seen whilst walking about the acreage.
Mellow Autumnal leaves make you wish Autumn could last forever!
Charlotte sitting on her stone wall holding her pumpkin.
Tasha Tudor called carved and lit pumpkins "pumpkin moonshines". Above is a sweet pumpkin moonshine that the Johnsons carved and photographed several years ago. He reminds the Johnsons of their boy Eliakim May Corgi when Diane was about to give him his tummy elixir and he decided not to take it! The pumpkin also reminds the Johnsons of the moon! The Johnsons prefer to carve sweet pumpkins.