She is wearing a cloak and a feather in her hat and holds a nosegay with a pink surrounded by forget-me-nots. Corgyncombe's Annabelle M'liss was named after Tasha Tudor's doll Annabelle because she reminds us so of her.

"A is for Annabelle", illustrated and written by Tasha Tudor, is about an old fashioned doll and some of her belongings from A to Z, such as her quilt, her hat with a feather, and her nosegay. "A is for Annabelle" is one of Diane and Sarah's favorite Tasha Tudor books! Diane has placed real rose geraniums and forget-me-nots, some of the illustrated flowers in the border, on Tasha Tudor's illustration of Annabelle's skirt. If you love pretty things you will love this book as much as the Corgyncombe Courant does!
In the "The Golden Key", filmed by Nell Dorr, there are several music boxes featured playing. The film follows Tasha Tudor's dolls through different seasonal celebrations and the courtship and wedding of Tasha's lovely doll Melissa and Thaddeus Crane. Tasha's Melissa was also the model for the doll Annabelle in "A is for Annabelle" written and illustrated by Tasha Tudor.
The inscription that Tasha wrote to Diane in the "A is for Annabelle" book:
"To clever Diane, how I envy your spinning abilities! Tasha Tudor"
Tasha Tudor's dolls... A portrait of old friends amongst the roses.
Annabelle M'liss of Corgyncombe in her antique fur trimmed frock, hat, and muff. On her travels she takes along her valise. She reminds us of Tasha Tudor's illustration of Annabelle with her muff in the book "A is for Annabelle". She is collecting the things from Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle" book from A to Z.
Annabelle M'liss of Corgyncombe at a special Valentine Tea.
Annabelle M'liss took a trip to acquire furniture and various other favorite things. She had a most enjoyable time! The chairs above were made by the talented woodworker, Seth Tudor, son of Tasha Tudor.
Here is a link to: Tasha Tudor and Family
where you can purchase the book "A is for Annabelle", the new "A is for Annabelle" fabric for quilting, and Seth Tudor doll furniture.
The Sheryl Williams kit for making an Annabelle inspired doll clothing and accessory collection.
The doll is not included in the kit. The kit contains material and patterns for making silk dresses, a bonnet, slippers, and accessories. Included with the kit are photographs of Sheryl's lovely completed doll.
Corgyncombe's Annabelle M'liss looks forward to new dresses and things made from the Sheryl Williams kit!
Diane and Sarah have always loved Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle"! It was Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle" and Tasha's dolls, and Sheryl Williams' doll and patterns that inspired Diane and Sarah to assist Corgyncombe's Annabelle M'liss on her journey to acquire all the wonderful things from A to Z! Diane was so excited, in her head she could see all the different photographs she could take!
We bought our Annabelle material and pattern kit, to make dresses and accessories, right from Sheryl Williams. If you would like contact information to get in touch with Sheryl Williams, email us at atthecottagegate@yahoo.com
In the "The Golden Key", filmed by Nell Dorr, there are several music boxes featured playing. The film follows Tasha Tudor's dolls through different seasonal celebrations and the courtship and wedding of Tasha's lovely doll Melissa and Thaddeus Crane. Tasha's Melissa was also the model for the doll Annabelle in "A is for Annabelle" written and illustrated by Tasha Tudor.

"To clever Diane, how I envy your spinning abilities! Tasha Tudor"

Annabelle M'liss took a trip to acquire furniture and various other favorite things. She had a most enjoyable time! The chairs above were made by the talented woodworker, Seth Tudor, son of Tasha Tudor.
Here is a link to: Tasha Tudor and Family
where you can purchase the book "A is for Annabelle", the new "A is for Annabelle" fabric for quilting, and Seth Tudor doll furniture.

The doll is not included in the kit. The kit contains material and patterns for making silk dresses, a bonnet, slippers, and accessories. Included with the kit are photographs of Sheryl's lovely completed doll.
Corgyncombe's Annabelle M'liss looks forward to new dresses and things made from the Sheryl Williams kit!
Diane and Sarah have always loved Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle"! It was Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle" and Tasha's dolls, and Sheryl Williams' doll and patterns that inspired Diane and Sarah to assist Corgyncombe's Annabelle M'liss on her journey to acquire all the wonderful things from A to Z! Diane was so excited, in her head she could see all the different photographs she could take!
We bought our Annabelle material and pattern kit, to make dresses and accessories, right from Sheryl Williams. If you would like contact information to get in touch with Sheryl Williams, email us at atthecottagegate@yahoo.com
Dear Diane and Sarah,
Ah, such bliss! We love playing with our dolls, too, and have our own Annabelle (who was my grandmother's bed doll).
I have Tasha Tudor's quilt fabric on my wish list (we'll have to get quite a lot for quilts for all of my girls!). :)
Dearest Diane and Sarah,
What a truly lovely post! I have always wanted an antique doll to make clothes for and have tea parties with...I will have to keep looking, I know she is out there somewhere waiting for me!
Your home is so lovely...would you consider posting a picture or two of your kitchen? I am looking for ideas for my own as I want to make it look even more old-fashioned.
Yours so very kindredly,
Honey Hill Farm
Wow! Miss Annabelle M'liss sure dose look sophisticated in her Very lovely coat and muff! What an exquisite Lady! She can be very proud of those special chairs too. And the Sheryl Williams kit! How sweet is that!
You Gals sure do find the coolest neatest
stuff! ;-) Like the Wooden crushing implement (very cool)!
I love how you display them.
What an awesome music box! And the teacup fits right with your collection, it just belongs!:-) glad you won it!
Mrs.Millie Mousekin and Missy are working on a special gift for Tillie Tinkham. (they will let her know when it's ready)
Hugs and Blessings, Linnie
Dear Marqueta and children,
How wonderful you have your grandmother's doll and all of your girls love dolls!
Your friends,
Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant
Dear Shan,
We hope you find your antique doll to have tea parties with and to make clothes for! Such fun!
Thank you for your kind words. Your kitchen is lovely and has such a warm, old fashioned feeling! We think you are doing great!
Your friends,
Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant
Dear Linnie,
We're so glad you enjoyed our posts! We've always loved interesting, old fashioned things! We've always loved Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle"! It was Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle" and Sheryl Williams' doll and patterns that inspired us to assist Corgyncombe's Annabelle M'liss in acquiring all those wonderful things from A to Z! I was so excited, in my head I could see all the different photographs I could take!
Tillie is excited to see what Mrs. Millie Mousekin and Missy are working on for her and squeaks a cheerful hello!
Your friends,
Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant
Dear Diane,
Thanks so much for stopping by. I just hosted a give-away of an autographed Tasha Tudor Cook book and it was won by a lovely lady in South Africa.
Tasha and I were both keynote speakers at the Pennsylvania Herb Society many years ago. She was certainly one-of-a-kind.
My husband and I recently found the old cottage she lived in when she lived in Connecticut.
Sending all joys to you and your daughter,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
What a lovely and inspiring place i have found in your corgyncombe courant! I am completely absorbed and fascinated each and every time I visit...learning something new ...finding new projects to attempt..and wonderful old books that I need to search for, as I have an intense love and appreciation for these authors that you love also. I have searched high and low for an Annabelle doll and dress patterns. I will be so thrilled to see photos of the beautiful wardrobe to be created from those charming fabrics and notions!
Kindest regards to you and your precious daughter for inspiring to fall in love again with the old ways,
Christie Ray
Dear Christie,
Thank you for your kind words about the Corgyncombe Courant. We like to try to make the Corgyncombe Courant a cheerful and interesting newspaper where people can relax and enjoy some of our favorite things! Sheryl's doll and kit are lovely, and they, along with Tasha Tudor's "A is for Annabelle" have inspired us so! If you would like contact information to get in touch with Sheryl Williams, email us at atthecottagegate@yahoo.com
Your friends,
Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant
Your Annabelle M'liss is such a lovely doll. Did you make her?
Annick Phillips
Dear Annick,
Thank you for your kind words about our Annabelle M'liss. We did not make her and we don't know who made her.
We're glad that you visited the Corgyncombe Courant and hope that you come back!
Your friends,
Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant
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