The script resembles Spencerian Script.
"To Tom"
"January Eighteenth 1887"
"January Eighteenth 1887"
"Meanness shun and all its train,
Goodness seek and Life is gain"
"Your Friend and Schoolmate"
Elmer S. White
Sull Co
Behind the autograph book is the February 1989 issue of Victoria Magazine. In this issue there is an article about Spencerian Script. Platt Rogers Spencer, born in 1800, was the founder of Spencerian Script. He published instructional books that taught his lovely penmanship style.
Elmer S. White
Sull Co

The next pages after have the article "Emily Dickinson, An Ecstasy in Living".

At the bottom she wrote:
"My darling is waiting for me"
Diane and Sarah have always loved beautiful penmanship.
Diane always enjoyed practicing her letters and in 3rd grade won an award for her penmanship.
Diane always enjoyed practicing her letters and in 3rd grade won an award for her penmanship.
Joan Donaldson wrote a book inspired by Platt Rogers Spencer, called "A Pebble and A Pen".
Joan also wrote "The Real Pretend", illustrated by Tasha Tudor.
Sarah of Corgyncombe was Tasha's model for the illustrations of the little girl Kathy in "The Real Pretend". It is a true story about a little girl who goes round to her neighbors, taking pretend orders from the Larkins Catalog.