Gathering Pearls from Meadow and Lawn!

My father's Mum reminds me of Tasha Tudor. When I think of my Grandmum, I think of a large garden, canning on her Kalamazoo wood cookstove (she was known as a canning fool), the smell of dill, her out cutting grass with a scythe, wearing aprons, and finding and preparing puffballs. Grandmum always thought she had found the greatest treasure when she found a puffball! A treasure that she was always delighted to share! I can still see her now getting out of their old antique truck carrying a huge puffball carefully in her hands. My Mum would look out the window, roll her eyes, and say "Oh no, not another one!" My father and I would devour these pearls of the meadow and lawn with enthusiasm!

In "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook", Tasha has a receipt for Cream of Mushroom Soup and says: "This soup always brings to mind the overcast yet warm fall days in Redding, Connecticut, when my mother and I would roam over huge pastures hunting for field mushrooms, puffballs, inky caps, and even morels." In "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook", Tasha suggests you buy your mushrooms at a grocery if you can't identify mushrooms.
I just love mushroom soup and will have to give this receipt a try!

The Corgyncombe Courant advises its readers to make sure they know what mushrooms and food they find in the wild is safe to eat and what is not, before eating.

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