It has been almost a year since Emma Lydia was rescued from a ship wreck on a remote island. It has been a very happy year for her, being reunited with her darling daughters Rosalie, Elizabeth, Violet, and Cynthie. How grateful she is for the way that Auntie Nicey Ethlaurinda and her sisters at Corgyncombe have raised her daughters in an upstanding manner, whilst she was gone awaiting rescue!
Tasha Tudor's Valentine Calendars and delightful dolls inspired Diane and Sarah to create their own Valentine Calendar to Count the Days Until Valentines Day.
Diane and Sarah's 4th Annual Doll Valentine Calendar "The Days of Valentines: Amelia's Favorite Things" can be found by clicking here:
"The Days of Valentines: Amelia's Favorite Things"
"The Days of Valentines: Amelia's Favorite Things" Valentine Calendar features the dolls and their animal friends at Corgyncombe as they celebrate the joys and delights of Valentine's Day at this gorgeous wintery time of year!
The link takes you to our web site "Our Favorite Things" where there is a special page with our Calendar with 14 hearts covered with forget-me-nots until the appointed day. Sometime during each day the window should change to the photograph of the day.
Just about every morn there is a fresh, new layer of clean, white, fluffy, sparkly snow. Diane took several shovels full of soft fluffy snow and threw them into the air just to see them coming down, sparkling in the sun.
Yesterday the snowflakes that came down were so big and beautiful that Diane spent quite awhile photographing them. 'Tis truly awesome once you have photographed a small area, to look up at the vast expanse of snow covered hills and fields and know that each snowflake is different and unique.

A Corgyncombe Icicle caught in mid-drip...