Both Diane and Sarah had Jack-in-the-Boxes when they were little. All the little girls at Corgyncombe Cottage are taking turns showing their Baby Dolls the Jack-in-the-Box. What fun it is when the clown pops up! It makes the Baby Dolls giggle and coo. Tillie Tinkham, the seamstress mouse at Corgyncombe, made the clown.
Little Tasha is looking at an illustration of a Corgi licking a candy cane, with ribbons and holly all round. The book stand that holds the corgi illustration, is a miniature copy of the one Tasha Tudor had on her artist's table. It was made by Tasha Tudor's son Seth Tudor.
Little Tasha was named after Tasha Tudor because The Corgyncombe Courant was reminded of the portraits of Tasha Tudor when she was a girl painted by her mother Rosamond Tudor.
Standing on a chair in the parlour, Cynthie is reflected in the mirror showing her Teddy Bear a dove in the Christmas tree.
Cynthie says "Teddy Bear likes the pretty dove in the Christmas tree."
Frizzy thought her reindeer would look stunning decorated for Christmastide!
After awhile Frizzy says, "It's getting chilly. Let's go inside, Reindeer." Luckily Auntie Nicey and Auntie Amelia are nowhere in sight. Frizzy tells her reindeer to please be careful around the glass in Auntie Amelia's pastry cupboard. She finds another red glass ball to hang on Reindeer's antlers. After she hangs it she looks at her reflection in the red glass ball and exclaims "Oh how beautiful! My hair looks even redder!"
Tasha Tudor's Advent Calendars and delightful dolls inspired Diane and Sarah to create their own Christmas Calendar.
Diane and Sarah's 4th Annual Calendar to Count "The Days Until Christmas: Amelia's Favorite Things" can be found by clicking here:
"The Days Until Christmas: Amelia's Favorite Things"
The link takes you to our web site "Our Favorite Things" where there is a special page with our Calendar with 25 round red windows covered with holly until the appointed day. Sometime during each day the window will change to the photograph of the day. The windows of the day are done alphabetically, going from A to Z and feature the dolls and their animal friends at Corgyncombe as they celebrate Christmastide joy!

Little Tasha was named after Tasha Tudor because The Corgyncombe Courant was reminded of the portraits of Tasha Tudor when she was a girl painted by her mother Rosamond Tudor.

Frizzy thought her reindeer would look stunning decorated for Christmastide!
After awhile Frizzy says, "It's getting chilly. Let's go inside, Reindeer." Luckily Auntie Nicey and Auntie Amelia are nowhere in sight. Frizzy tells her reindeer to please be careful around the glass in Auntie Amelia's pastry cupboard. She finds another red glass ball to hang on Reindeer's antlers. After she hangs it she looks at her reflection in the red glass ball and exclaims "Oh how beautiful! My hair looks even redder!"
Tasha Tudor's Advent Calendars and delightful dolls inspired Diane and Sarah to create their own Christmas Calendar.
Diane and Sarah's 4th Annual Calendar to Count "The Days Until Christmas: Amelia's Favorite Things" can be found by clicking here:
"The Days Until Christmas: Amelia's Favorite Things"
The link takes you to our web site "Our Favorite Things" where there is a special page with our Calendar with 25 round red windows covered with holly until the appointed day. Sometime during each day the window will change to the photograph of the day. The windows of the day are done alphabetically, going from A to Z and feature the dolls and their animal friends at Corgyncombe as they celebrate Christmastide joy!
Dear Matty,
The girl in the first photo is Marildy and she is so sweet. All at Corgyncombe love her, too. Glad you're enjoying our "The Days Until Christmas, Amelia's Favorite Things" Calendar.
Your kindred spirits,
Diane and Sarah
Dear Diane and Sarah,
Oh, we are having so much fun with your Advent Calendar! I just noticed that it's all alphabetical, to boot!
My girls would spend all day on your blog if they could (I keep promising them we'll ditch the Barbies and make real dolls like Tasha's some day)~Thank you for being a safe, beautiful place to go.
Dear Diane and Sarah,
I love all of the beautiful and sweet dolls that reside at your lovely cottage! Your photos are just amazing and I love the vignettes you create with your dolls and all of the activities they happily engage in! So precious!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful advent calendar. I look forward to the next installment.
With much love from your kindred spirits,
Paula, Pearl and Poppy
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