Diane too is rushing about like Anna Maria in Beatrix Potter's "The Tale of Samuel Whiskers" in time with Mozart's Oboe Quartet in F Major. There is baking to be done, a Christmas tree to decorate, a goat to milk, corgyn to take on necessary outings, dishes to do, photographs to take, and more editions of The Corgyncombe Courant to publish!
Tasha Tudor's Advent Calendars and delightful dolls inspired Diane and Sarah to create their own Christmas Calendar.
Diane and Sarah's 4th Annual Calendar to Count "The Days Until Christmas: Amelia's Favorite Things" can be found by clicking here:
"The Days Until Christmas: Amelia's Favorite Things"
The link takes you to our web site "Our Favorite Things" where there is a special page with our Calendar with 25 round red windows covered with holly until the appointed day. Sometime during each day the window will change to the photograph of the day. The windows of the day are done alphabetically, going from A to Z and feature the dolls and their animal friends at Corgyncombe as they celebrate Christmastide joy!
Dearest Diane and Sarah,
Thanks for stopping by our place again~I agree that Marley had better care for his hands :)!
We have been faithfully checking the advent calendar every day, and can't wait for the next installment.
We wish we had a Tillie Tinkham and Chirpy Cheerful at our house, to avoid the scary crowds at the stores this time of year!
Blessings to you,
Dear sweet Diane and sweet Sarah,
Oh, Tillie Tinkham and Chirpy Cheerful are absolutely adorable! Your photos are gorgeous and your writings a delight to read! The perfume from Emily & Ethlyn's Perfumery is so lovely, as is everything in both photos. I do hope your Christmastide preparations are coming along well, and you are enjoying it all. I look forward to visiting the link you shared to your "Our Favorite Things." I know it will be delightful! I also look forward to catching up on all of the beautiful post I have missed throughout the day today! Thank you so very much for visiting me and for your kind words. I am always so very blessed by your visits and all you share with me! Thank you for telling me your friend loved my journal too, and was touched by my, "A Little Bit About Me." I was so very blessed by that!
Pearl, Poppy, the dolls and I wish you, Sarah, the Corgyn, and the dolls a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!!
Much love to you all, and blessing from the Lord!
Your friend and kindred spirit, always,
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