The Corgyncombe Courant is Giving Away
A Reproduction Yellowware Bowl with Green Seaweed Decoration!
A Reproduction Yellowware Bowl with Green Seaweed Decoration!
This wonderful, handmade in the USA, bowl measures 8 1/2 inches across and 4 1/4 inches high.
In the summer the seaweed pattern on the bowl reminds Diane of dill and in the winter of princess pine. The bowl looks so nice with apples, grapes, clove orange pomanders, ornaments, gingerbread cookies, cider, popcorn, cranberries, pinecones and greenery! We know you can think of more uses! You can use it as a mixing bowl or a serving bowl.
This bowl would make a wonderful addition to your country, prim, old fashioned, and Victorian kitchen!!!
Like their friend Tasha Tudor, Diane and her daughter Sarah love using yellowware bowls!
As Beth reminded us, Tasha Tudor had a splendid collection of yellowware which included pieces decorated with "seaweed". Many pieces of Tasha's yellowware appeared in her illustrations. Cheerful yellowware certainly creates a warm and cozy feeling in the kitchen!
We know that the winner is going to love this bowl, as it is amongst Diane's most favorite things!
This Giveaway is open to The Corgyncombe Courant's Dear Readers in the United States and Canada.
You may use The Corgyncombe Courant's large or small photograph of the bowl with apples in a blog post on your own blog or on the sidebar of your blog to inform your friends of this splendiferous giveaway!
To enter, please leave a comment on this Corgyncombe Courant Yellowware Bowl Giveaway post.
If you post about The Corgyncombe Courant Yellowware Bowl Giveaway on your blog, be sure to let us know by posting a comment here on this post telling us that you did so, for another entry.
If this is your first visit to The Corgyncombe Courant, we encourage you to have a cup of tea and Christmas treat whilst perusing our many posts. Our posts include many old fashioned things including goats, corgyn, old books, spinning, weaving, knitting, lace making, history, antiques, dolls, old fashioned tasks, and many other Tasha Tudor like things.
Here are links to some favorite posts at The Corgyncombe Courant:
Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration!, A Kindred Spirit Special Edition!
Thumb Cookies from "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook"
Delivery Men Bringing Tasha Tudor Delights!
Roasting a Turkey in a Tasha Tudor Tin Kitchen!, An Old Fashioned Feast to Be Thankful For!
And there are many, many more posts on The Corgyncombe Courant that you might enjoy!
You have until midnight on December 17th to enter the contest for the reproduction yellowware bowl with seaweed decoration! The winner will be picked out of the Yellowware Bowl!
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It may take awhile for your comment to appear, however, if after you comment, you see new comments have been added, and your comment has not appeared, than it may have not worked or have been lost. Please try commenting again.
Thank you for stopping by The Corgyncombe Courant!
In the summer the seaweed pattern on the bowl reminds Diane of dill and in the winter of princess pine. The bowl looks so nice with apples, grapes, clove orange pomanders, ornaments, gingerbread cookies, cider, popcorn, cranberries, pinecones and greenery! We know you can think of more uses! You can use it as a mixing bowl or a serving bowl.
This bowl would make a wonderful addition to your country, prim, old fashioned, and Victorian kitchen!!!
Like their friend Tasha Tudor, Diane and her daughter Sarah love using yellowware bowls!
As Beth reminded us, Tasha Tudor had a splendid collection of yellowware which included pieces decorated with "seaweed". Many pieces of Tasha's yellowware appeared in her illustrations. Cheerful yellowware certainly creates a warm and cozy feeling in the kitchen!
We know that the winner is going to love this bowl, as it is amongst Diane's most favorite things!
This Giveaway is open to The Corgyncombe Courant's Dear Readers in the United States and Canada.

To enter, please leave a comment on this Corgyncombe Courant Yellowware Bowl Giveaway post.
If you post about The Corgyncombe Courant Yellowware Bowl Giveaway on your blog, be sure to let us know by posting a comment here on this post telling us that you did so, for another entry.
If this is your first visit to The Corgyncombe Courant, we encourage you to have a cup of tea and Christmas treat whilst perusing our many posts. Our posts include many old fashioned things including goats, corgyn, old books, spinning, weaving, knitting, lace making, history, antiques, dolls, old fashioned tasks, and many other Tasha Tudor like things.
Here are links to some favorite posts at The Corgyncombe Courant:
Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration!, A Kindred Spirit Special Edition!
Thumb Cookies from "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook"
Delivery Men Bringing Tasha Tudor Delights!
Roasting a Turkey in a Tasha Tudor Tin Kitchen!, An Old Fashioned Feast to Be Thankful For!
And there are many, many more posts on The Corgyncombe Courant that you might enjoy!
You have until midnight on December 17th to enter the contest for the reproduction yellowware bowl with seaweed decoration! The winner will be picked out of the Yellowware Bowl!
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It may take awhile for your comment to appear, however, if after you comment, you see new comments have been added, and your comment has not appeared, than it may have not worked or have been lost. Please try commenting again.
Thank you for stopping by The Corgyncombe Courant!
The winner of the Corgyncombe Courant Yellowware Bowl Giveaway was Announced on December 18th, 2010!
Here is the link: Winner of the Corgyncombe Courant Giveaway Announced!
Here is the link: Winner of the Corgyncombe Courant Giveaway Announced!
Dear Diane and Sarah,
I would make cookies to hang on our Christmas tree with the beautiful
yellowware bowl.
Thank you,
Oh, my goodness me! I would simply love to win this delightful bowl! I have my great grandmother's yellow ware bread bowl ~ it is a treasure ~ but sadly it has a long crack down one side.
Your bowl is perfect for wintertime ~ the pattern reminds me of our Douglas Fir so common here in Western Washington! Thank you for this very special giveaway!
A beautiful bowl . . . a special giveaway. I hope I'm the lucky one!
Patty S.
I collect yellow ware so I would love a chance to win this bowl, count me in.
I put your giveaway on my sidebar ~ at the top. I like it there so it can be seen every day!
Tasha Tudor had one of the best yellowware collections I have ever seen! I believe her cannisters had the seaweed design on them. Anyway, please enter me -- I love yellowware, too! Beth
(raise hand real high and shake it around
What a beautiful bowl! I would cherish it in my kitchen and fondly remember your wonderful blog and contest!!
Christmas blessings!
Patricia T (tumastrio@gmail.com)
Your generosity warms my heart! Yellow ware is wonderful. I would love to be considered. Mary B.
I have long been a fan of Tasha Tudor. I have a small yellow ware bowl with the seaweed design and think that this one needs to join it!! Please enter me in your drawing and thank you! Happy Christmas!
Lori house1795@tds.net
Dearest Diane and Sarah,
I so love your blog...I found you through Tasha's website. You have inspired me more than you will know.
Would you be so kind as to include me in your giveaway? I would be so delighted to win!
Yours so kindredly,
Honey Hill Farm
Thank you for your site and the blessings it has bestowed in the short time since we've met. I will come back and visit often. Your blog is an engaging place to sit a spell, and your yellow bowl is precious. Have a season of Joy.
What a wonderful bowl!! I love the seaweed pattern and yellowware, of course! I would love to be considered for your giveaway...
Kathy L
I really enjoy this site, and the honor you do to Tasha as well as creating a heritage for yourselves...keep up the good work...please enter me in the give away...sincerely, Singing Wind
Dear Diane and Sarah,
I'm so glad that your comments are enabled again! Now I can tell you how delightful your posts are :)~ I would love to be entered in your giveaway, as well.
Thank you yet again for your inspiring stories; they are such a breath of fresh air.
Hello, I just found your blog about a week ago and I love to browse through it. It picks up my spirits and encourages me to make changes in my life so that I live more of my dreams.
I would love to be considered for your yellow ware bowl -- what an exciting gift to receive! Thank you very much!
Merry Christmas, Diane and Sarah, Oh, I would certainly "Take Joy" if I were to win the yellowware bowl. I too, am a BIG Tasha Tudor fan and this bowl reminds me so much of her. I look at Corgyncombecourant everytime I am on the computer as LOVE your photos and articles:) I also am a doll collector so really enjoy all the dolls going about their "daily" routines. Please enter me in the contest. I would treasure and use that wonderful bowl. Joyce
What a beautiful bowl and nice giveaway. I have most of Tasha's books and enjoy every one. Thank you for entering me in the giveaway.
Have a Merry Christmas.
What a lovely gift. I have an old yellow ware bowl my Grandma used to mix up Welsh cakes. It's cracked so I can't use it. I'd love to win your bowl you're so kindly offering as a gift! Merry Christmas!
Diane and Sarah, I really enjoy your site. It is inspirational to me. Your pictures are fun to look at also.
I absolutely love Yellowware. I have yet to get some in my kitchen.
I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas!
Tina Kay
This is a beautiful bowl that I would be proud to own. Happy Holiday Season...
Dear Diane and Sarah - I was thrilled to see your blog again and have bookmarked it so I cannot lose it. I would love to be entered for the chance to win your beautiful Yelloware bowl. It would certainly bring some of that wonderful New England feel down here to our Alabama home! Have a glorious Christmas!
Dear Diane and Sarah,
I have long admired these beautiful bowls as shown in Tasha's books and on your website, and would so very much love to own one! Thank you for your generous give a way. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Merry Christmas to you and your family,
What a beautiful bowl!
Please enter me in the give away...Thank you
Happy December !!!
Dear Diane and Sarah,
I have been a big fam of your blog and of Tasha Tudor. I would love to win this bowl and I would present it to my oldest daughter who is 15. She loves to cook almost as much as she loves all things 'Tasha'. We, like you, love doing old fashion things together and it has been a blessing to have two daughters who love old fashion living, crafts and Tasha Tudor!
Merriest of Christmases,
I love Tasha's books and I am so happy I found your blog. I have a Tasha Tudor Christmas Book and simply love it.
The bowl is a nice "give a way"!
Merry Christmas!!!
I just want to let you know that I just enjoy visiting your blog here. It is so warm and inviting.
Tina Kay
P.S. I have posted on your giveaway on my blog.
A friend sent me a link to this site and I am OVERWHELMED by the depth and richness of content! I hope I can enjoy every bit of it after Christmas, as there is so much for me to catch up on here: links, links, and more links! The bowl is a lovely giveaway and a great excuse to leave this comment and tell you how enthralled I am!
Dear Diane and Sarah~
I do so enjoy your blog with all the beautiful pictures. I've long been a Tasha fan, over 50 years since I was given my first Tasha book for attending Sunday School. Like for so many others, Tasha also inspired me in so many ways! I miss her and find comfort and joy reading your blog and how you carry on her traditions. Thank you for posting! And I would love to win the yellowware bowl -- what a wonderful giveaway! Barbara dkwbrw@aol.com
Your blog, by far is probably the most beautiful I have seen so far. And our taste in music and life are almost exact!! Very pleasant and relaxing, nice to view with a tea. My 10 year old daughter enjoys probably more than I. She has been a Tasha follower since birth. I bought her corgi Beatrix last year for her ninth birthday and she has been raising chickens since age two, no exaggeration. She does it all from real soap making to baking. Thank you for the pleasure of your sharing. My grandmother's yellowware bowl handed down to me, and I am 51 was knocked over by my cat 4 years ago, I was devestated. This would make a beautiful replacement.I will happily post your giveaway on my blog.
Merry Christmas and A happy New Year
Dear Diane, I'm so happy to have found your website again. I've been a Tasha Tudor follower for many years. Would love to win your yellowware bowl.
What a beautiful Yellowware bowl. It would look wonderful with the other old Yellowware bowl that I own....Please (hand waving high) pick me.
Merry Christmas,
This is a lovely "newspaper." That bowl looks perfect for breadmaking!
Happy Holidays
Dear Ms. Diane,
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog!
I would love to enter this giveaway...what a beautiful bowl! And you're right, it would fit right in with my other kitchen-ware :)
This is very sweet of you to have this as a giveaway gift!! What a treasure!!
Thank you for entering me!!
Merry Christmas
I just found your website on the Tasha Tudor link in Facebook. I am a huge fan of Tasha Tudor and I feel like I've found a part of her again on your site. I've been sitting here reading your stories and delighting in the musical and visual feast of the Corgyncombe Courant! Thank you for transporting me to such a beautiful place. I will be a regular visitor from now on. I would also love to enter the giveaway for the beautiful bowl! God Bless and I look forward to your future posts. Many Thanks indeed. Linda Riesenbeck @ lriesenbeck@fuse.net
What a marvelous giveaway! How sweet of you to offer this wonderful bowl!
Thank you for being so generous as to give such a beautiful handmade item away. I have just started reading your blog and am very inspired. Merry Christmas. Holly farm@inbox.com
I would love to enter your yellow ware giveaway. Your Nubians inspired me to enter - I have a small herd of Nubian goats in Northern kentucky - which Tasha inspired me to look into as well as Welsh Corgis - two of which we enjoy greatly...........:<) Both of these breeds of animals give us such joy and fun and wonderful product from the Nubians. This is my first time on your blog - I will be back - thank you so much! Jan - Twin Meadows Nubians - jztwinmeadows@cainpro.com
What a beautiful bowl! I would love to enter your giveaway and win that bowl.
I think I would put greenery and my homemade cinnamon ornaments in the bowl for display!
Merry Christmas to you!
I came over here from Rookery Ramblings and saw you comment.
I will probably spend most of my days reading your blog...I am a Tasha Tudor fan of many years.
Your giveaway is lovely and so generous...I have a small collection of yellow ware.
e-mail mrboyles at yahoo dot com
So glad I found you! What a wonderful giveaway with the yellow ware bowl. Look forward to following your blog.
Happy Holidays,
Elizabeth - artwoman1@comcast.net
It's a Pity I live in the Netherlands so I can't win this beautiful bowl... I just love it. Ad you website is lovely!
Just found your site today and all I have to say is "You would of made Tahsha very humbled"...she was sooo ssweet and so is your blog.....lindeelou
I would love to have this bowl so much! I know I would use it frequently. Hope I am a winner for it. Thanks.
I've enjoyed your blog so very much. You live a magical realm, full of delight. Thank you for sharing it! Merry Christmas!
I am enjoying looking at your beautiful photographs and reading your amazing blog. Thank you so much for keeping the "simple" life alive and inspiring all of us.
The yellowware bowl is such a wonderful item to give away!!- mvjacob@aol.com
I would just absolutely love the chance to win this gorgeous bowl!!! What a wonderful giveaway to offer! :)
Thank you, so much, for the chance to win it!
I hope you are having a lovely week!
Katy :)
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I am so glad to come accross your blog again. I have followed your website and such for years. Looking at your pictures always gives me such a sense of peace and quiet happiness. I have never seen anyone make such realistic and beautiful settings and magically wonderful things for their dolls. Thank you for being inspirational.
This bowl is beautiful. Would love to win. I just found your blog. I look forward to reading some of your posts over the next few days. Thank you for the giveaway and chance to win.
I love Tasha Tudor, and this bowl is great! Thanks for offering this lovely giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
Terri S
ponyxpress9 at yahoo dot com
Diane and Sarah,
I stumbled upon your blog just yesterday, and have thoroughly enjoyed looking through all the writings and images of your beautiful everyday life. I am inspired! As an ardent admirer of Tasha Tudor's way of life, I find it most encouraging to encounter others who are following in her footsteps.
The yellowware bowl is beautiful, and I'm sure the winner of it will be very pleased indeed!
- Elizabeth
If this sweet bowl chooses me, it will be lovingly introduced to my dolls and animal friends on my parents old buffet, where it will take a place of honor and be filled with fragrant pine and antique old German ornaments dating back 3 generations. It will rest in good company.
Enjoy the giveaway! What a lovely place!
Merry Christmas!
What a lovely bowl. It is so perfect with the tea cups.
I simply love it.
Hello and Happy Christmas Diane!~ Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I am thrilled to see that you're having a giveaway! I just love this bowl and the pretty sea weed decoration. Tasha is always such an inspiration to me, and her illustrations hark back to an ideal image of home. I would love to have something that says "Tasha!" as much as this darling bowl! It would look so pretty in my little kitchen :)
Happy holidays to you!~
Hello Diane and Sarah, I'm so happy that you visited my blog CluckleBees, today. I absolutely love your blog. It's such a warm and wonderful place. Anyone who loved Tasha Tudor as much as you do is definitely my kind of people.
I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you so much for letting me know about it. I will be checking in with you frequently for all your new and up coming posts.
For tonight, however, I am off to play a game with my family and head up to get some sleep.
The Blessings of Christmas to you and your family, too,
Beautiful, just so simple yet so elegant, just like Tasha herself. Dawn E. Brown
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful bowl with us, your readers. Have a wonderful weekend!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
I love you blog-a nice cozy place to visit and escape.
I would love to win that beautiful bowl.
Thank you so much.
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