On April 20th, her expected due date, our Nubian Dairy Goat Carmella Lucille gave birth to triplets:
Lucy, Louisa May, and Lizzie! I knew they would all be girls!
Lucy was named after her Mum Carmella Lucille because she is the spitting image of her Mama.
Louisa May was named after Louisa May Alcott because she is our cousin and because we think she looks like her.

Carmella Lucille and the kiddles' father both have impressive Champion lines. Carmella Lucille's honeymoon was a well managed event and we knew right when to expect kiddles as we do not let Carmella Lucille run wild and free with the bucks all the time!
Oft' times during late night and early morning barn checks to look in on Carmella Lucille, Diane would take along "Eden's Outcasts: The Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Father" by John Matteson. The book acquired many bookmarks using hay, feathers, and a scrap of fabric to mark notable sections. I even read it whilst cooking, there are pieces of rice scattered throughout the pages. Diane is just loving this book and it is of special interest as Abba May Alcott and her daughters are Diane and Sarah's cousins through the May family. Perhaps Diane and Sarah are related to John Matteson, too, as Diane and Sarah have early direct Matteson lines!

Carmella Lucille gives well over a gallon of milk a day. We look forward to making butter, cheese, soap, and most of all delicious ice cream!

Tasha Tudor has done numerous goat illustrations, some of our favorites are in "A Time to Keep" and "The Springs of Joy". In "A Time to Keep" Tasha says "In April the new kids were let out to play in the warm spring sunshine." with an accompanying illustration of frolicking goat kids.
