May 12, 2013

Mother's Day!

Rolling Along with the Baby Carriage!
In the center, my Mum playing baby dolls with her friends.

r her third birthday my Mum, Sally Ann, received the most glorious present in the neighborhood!  A wicker doll carriage. She says: "It was the envy of all the little girl neighbors."

That was the last really nice, extravaga
nt present that she received for most of her childhood, as the crash hit and times were hard during the Depression. She didn't have many dolls of her own to play with. Sometimes she would put kitties in the carriage and pretend they were babies. In summer and in the winter snow she would take her carriage outside to play.
There weren't many dolls of her own to fill the carriage, so Sally Ann had fun playing with the kitties in the carriage!

Some of the photographs and some of the writings on this post are from previous Corgyncombe Courant posts that can be found here on the Corgyncombe Courant.

Her eldest brother cleared out a shed for an area where she could have a play house. She didn't have much in it to set up play housekeeping but she could take her carriage in and out. Here she is, barefooted, holding her Aunt's doll.

Sally Ann married her Sweetheart.

My Mum and Dad.
They have always reminded me of Lucy and Ricky from "I Love Lucy". Mum, in particular, has the same eyes as Lucy, and later I found out that they were cousins on the Cummings side through an old New England family.

Mum set up housekeeping for real in a sweet little cottage. I loved this old kitchen with its iron sink and old fashioned stove. For many years it remained the same, except for wallpaper and curtains. I would get a chair and look out the window to see the chickens in the backyard. I remember once seeing a hen with her chicks running around outside their fenced area and Mum running down and shooing them back in.

Mum holding me.

Mum folding diapers atop the bathinette. She always washed the diapers with an old ringer washing machine and hung them outside. In the winter time she would hang them outside and bring them inside to finish drying, hanging them up on the clothes bars over the register to dry.

Me taking a bath in the bathinette.

My birthday party with a cake Mum made.
Mum got a carriage to put her real baby in!
We went for long walks in the country.

Happy Mother's Day to our Dear Readers!
copyright © 2013 Diane Shepard Johnson and Sarah E. Johnson

1 comment:

mcduque said...

Dear Diana and Sarah, the photos are very beautiful, remember me some films, especially that of the MOM on the couch with the baby in her arms and the kitchen are very nice.And of course the wicker baby car like a lot
.A hug.
MÂȘ Carmen Duque

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