Whilst out, they hope to find some pussy willows down by the creek.
The chosen music to accompany this post is by Shostakovich:
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The music is so appropriate whilst reading!
Izannah Walker inspired dolls Bridget and Eliza and their clothing and bonnets were made by Margaret Flavin. Charlotte's clothing and bonnet were also made by Margaret Flavin.

As they glide along the ribbons on their bonnets flutter in the wind.
Ah, yes, there he is, the little red squirrel!

What a red streak he has down his back and tail!
How amusing the squirrel is to watch as he hops from tree to tree and scampers here and there!

They love watching the squirrel and think he is so cute even though the proprietress at the old book shoppe calls them rats with tails! Bridget and Eliza think that the proprietress actually is quite fond of squirrels, despite her remark.

Eliza is so cold that she had to tuck her hands under the blanket.
They will have to knit some warm mittens of wool.

The banks of Corgi Creek beckon them as they think that is where they might find some pussy willows to gather.

The last stanza of the poem "Pussy Willow":
Happy little children
Cried with laugh and shout,
"Spring is coming, coming,
Pussy Willow's out."
by Kate L. Brown

"How curious, I wonder why?" they both think.

Bridget and Eliza were startled by something going UP the falls!
(The music at 2 minutes, 20 seconds with the trombone is perfect for viewing this creature!)
Eliza says "Look, there is some sort of creature coming UP the falls! Do you see it, Bridget?"
"It looks to have a broad duck bill with nostrils,
large round eyes on either side of its head, and flippers!"
large round eyes on either side of its head, and flippers!"

"Oh, no, sister, that sounds too duck-like.
It is clear to see that it has a snout of a more carnivorous nature!"
The Squirrel is thinking
"A Carnivorous Nature!?!"
Bridget says, "Oh, yes, NOW I see, it is as you say!
Oh, how frightful it is, to be sure!"
Eliza continues to describe the sight before her!
"The creature has bumpy scales, fins, wings, and feet, and its tail fin flaps!
One can actually see how its nostrils are creating paths of air in the water!
One can see the motion of the water as the creature is making its way through the water!
One can see the steam rising from the hot springs as it hits the cold air!"
The girls are quite sure that the creature must live in the gloomy, eerie, creepy cave in the back of the photograph with stalactites hanging down!
Oh, how frightful it is, to be sure!"
Eliza continues to describe the sight before her!
"The creature has bumpy scales, fins, wings, and feet, and its tail fin flaps!
One can actually see how its nostrils are creating paths of air in the water!
One can see the motion of the water as the creature is making its way through the water!
One can see the steam rising from the hot springs as it hits the cold air!"
The girls are quite sure that the creature must live in the gloomy, eerie, creepy cave in the back of the photograph with stalactites hanging down!
Concerned, Bridget asks Eliza "Do you think it eats squirrels?"
"Oh, I'm sure it must!" says Eliza.
"Oh, I'm sure it must!" says Eliza.

As Bridget and Eliza have tea in the Corgyncombe Library, they check to see if anything similar to the creature had ever been seen before and checked through their books.
They had heard rumors of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland and Champ of Lake Champlain.
As nothing quite like it has been observed and described before,
they think they have discovered a never before seen in recent history, long forgotten species which they declare to be a:
"Corie Combie"
The Curious Carnivorous Creature
of Corgyncombe's Corgi Creek
Subsequent investigative strolls along the creek since the thaw have revealed nary a sight or trace of Corie Combie, so far.
The girls are positive it is something, somewhat of an unusual phenomenon, but they are not quite sure what!
They had heard rumors of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland and Champ of Lake Champlain.
As nothing quite like it has been observed and described before,
they think they have discovered a never before seen in recent history, long forgotten species which they declare to be a:
"Corie Combie"
The Curious Carnivorous Creature
of Corgyncombe's Corgi Creek
Subsequent investigative strolls along the creek since the thaw have revealed nary a sight or trace of Corie Combie, so far.
The girls are positive it is something, somewhat of an unusual phenomenon, but they are not quite sure what!

This is not the first time (and, we trust, not the last) that unusual discoveries have been made around and about Corgi Creek! Several years ago a petrified frog was found washed up along the banks after a flood! The petrified frog was named Phineas T. Frog (T. is for Taylor). It has since been on exhibit at the Corgyncombe Hall of Oddities and Curiosities, much to the thrill of all who view it!
Eliza and Bridget are considering opening an inn and observatory overlooking Corgi Creek for Izannah Walker dolls and other dolls, where they can patiently wait and observe, in hopes of catching a glimpse of Corie Combie! The girls are sure they can provide some shopping opportunities for those wanting souvenirs of this rare phenomenon (post cards, perhaps, or other knickknacks bearing the striking image of Corie Combie as photographed by Diane Shepard Johnson)!
copyright © 2012 Diane Shepard Johnson and Sarah E. Johnson
copyright © 2012 Diane Shepard Johnson and Sarah E. Johnson
How were you able to capture such wonderful photographs of the red Squirrel!? With a great deal of patience, I'm sure. I love Eliza and Bridget--they are so beautiful.
Well the Darling Sisters Bridget and Eliza have had an exciting outing! I hope they had a little foot warmer at their feet!!
I think that the Corie Combie is quite frightful! Little Squirrel has every reason to be alert and careful!!
We are hoping you shall all have a Happy Resurrection day
Many Blessings and Hugs, Linnie and the Mousiekins
I particularly like their sleigh; so very fashionable and well designed! There is a smaller Gail Wilson doll that is based on Izannah Walker and she, too, is adorable.
What an enchanting ride....and such discoveries
along the way! The "girls" are so lucky to have
a mistress who understands the wonders of nature
and knows how to so beautifully record them. Do
not park the sleigh in the open...as YKW is
lurking behind a nearby tree ready to pounce...
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