Yesterday, Corgyncombe Dairy Goat Carmella Lucille was packed up for a honeymoon trip. She took along a bag filled with food for several candlelight dinners and a bottle of her favorite udder cream "Udder Comfort", which "softens and soothes" and has the delightful fragrance of peppermint... her favorite perfume.
Upon arriving, Romeo's odorous "cologne" filled the air. Carmella was led down the ramp and down the aisle to a pen next to her Romeo. Little does Carmella Lucille know that her Romeo will just be a "Ricochet Romance", as he has had and will have several other does visiting for a honeymoon.
Here is a link to part of an "I Love Lucy" episode on YouTube, with Tennessee Ernie Ford and Teensy and Weensy:
Teensy and Weensy sing "Ricochet Romance"
Teensy and Weensy sing "Ricochet Romance"
The barn is kind of lonely now at milking time. All at Corgyncombe, including the goat kiddles, look forward to Carmella Lucille's return.
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