Corgyncombe Dairy Goat Carmella Lucille's honeymoon with her Romeo has come to an end.
Here is a link to: Carmella Lucille's Honeymoon
Romeo was especially upset to see her leave as another of his honeymooners had left earlier in the day. Romeo looked longingly after Carmella Lucille and called to her. Carmella Lucille and Romeo said loud goodbyes before she was whisked away in her carriage.
Once at home, the memory and scent of Romeo and his cologne doth linger, especially at milking time when Diane has to sit near Carmella Lucille for the twice daily task of milking.

At times like this, when Romeo's cologne permeates the air, a stop by Corgyncombe's "Emily & Ethlyn's Potions & Perfumery", where lavender, rose, and clove oranges are favored fragrances, is in order. According to the "American Dictionary of The English Language" by Noah Webster, 1828, a potion is: a draught; usually, a liquid medicine; a dose.
Making clove oranges, also called pomanders, especially near Christmastide, is a tradition at Corgyncombe Cottage. After the cloves have been put in all round the fruit, it is rolled in an orris root and cinnamon mixture. Orris root is a ground powder from the rhizomatous roots of Iris Florentina.
Iris Florentina
In the old days people used herbs, tussie mussies, and pomanders to cover up unpleasant odors.
Making clove oranges, also called pomanders, especially near Christmastide, is a tradition at Corgyncombe Cottage. After the cloves have been put in all round the fruit, it is rolled in an orris root and cinnamon mixture. Orris root is a ground powder from the rhizomatous roots of Iris Florentina.

In the old days people used herbs, tussie mussies, and pomanders to cover up unpleasant odors.
Yesterday, whilst in a hurry, Diane went to the hardware store wearing her coat she wears to the barn for chores, with a quick touch of rose perfume. Needless to say, there was still a little of Romeo's scent about it, amongst the roses. But little matter, as the farmer that stood by her in the store smelled just like a cow. This brings to mind a country character from Diane's childhood, an old man farmer named "Irie" who frequented the old country general store on the corner. Irie's presence was known even before you entered the little old country store. Once you got in the store, the scent of cow was overpowering! Diane's Mum would turn up her nose and say that "Irie's pants are so stiff with caked on manure (some dried, some fresh) they could stand alone!" Diane does believe they could have stood alone. Diane doubts that a tussie mussie or pomander could have helped old Irie much.
Today is Thanksgiving and the air is filled with the delightful smells of pumpkin pies, turkey, and woodsmoke.
The Corgyncombe Courant will have more on Thanksgiving at Corgyncombe Cottage, later.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our dear readers!
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