In the story "An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving" written by Louisa May Alcott, when the children were left alone due to an emergency, the older girls of the family thought they would continue fixing the Thanksgiving meal. In pondering what "yarbs" would be best to put in stuffing for a turkey, sage was considered but sweet marjoram and summer savory were decided upon. Mistakenly catnip and wormwood were the "yarbs" grabbed in the darkness of the storage area. The catnip and wormwood totally ruined the stuffing!
Diane's 5th great grandfather Eliakim May was 1st cousin to Louisa May Alcott's great grandfather Samuel May.

The sage and thyme were gathered and dried at the Corgyncombe Herbary.
Displayed on the art stand is "The Williamsburg Art of Cookery" by Mrs. Helen Bullock.

Using the Tasha Tudor Reproduction Tin Kitchen is such a delight!

Cranberries have to be done the day before if you put them in a mold as they need time to chill and set whilst in the cold.

What a pretty addition to the Thanksgiving table!

As Tasha Tudor herself said, a turkey roasted in a tin kitchen is "Simply unsurpassed!"
Diane made pumpkin pies from pumpkins grown in the Corgyncombe Vegetable Garden.
The photographs below show the steps in preparing the pumpkins for pumpkin pie.
Extreme care must be taken whilst cutting the pumpkins.
After the pumpkins are cut in two, the seeds are scraped out and the pumpkin is then put on a baking pan and put into the oven. The seeds were dried and saved.
After cooling, the outer skin is peeled off and the pumpkin is mashed.
The pumpkin is then put into cheesecloth and tied up.
The cheesecloth bag is put into a colander in a bowl and pressed with a weight overnight in the ice box to remove the excess liquid. In the morning the cheesecloth bag with the pumpkin in it is squeezed to get the rest of the liquid out.
The pumpkin is put into a bowl and the rest of the ingredients are added.
Cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and a little bit of nutmeg make the Corgyncombe Cottage kitchen smell delightfully like Thanksgiving.
The pumpkin pie before baking.
The photographs below show the steps in preparing the pumpkins for pumpkin pie.
Extreme care must be taken whilst cutting the pumpkins.

In Tasha Tudor's "Around the Year", Tasha has illustrated a tin kitchen with traditional Thanksgiving food around it. In "A Time to Keep", Tasha Tudor illustrated a lady basting the turkey in a tin kitchen in front of the fire. Hungry corgyn gather round, hoping for a taste of turkey. "The New England Butt'ry Shelf Cookbook" written by Mary Mason Campbell and illustrated by Tasha Tudor, also features an illustration of a woman using a tin kitchen with a table of Thanksgiving food. In "A Basket of Herbs", illustrated by Tasha Tudor, on the Sage pages there is a lady fixing a turkey to be put in the tin kitchen with hungry corgyn looking on.

and sleigh to a lovely old house and barn where they will enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. The old house and barn remind The Corgyncombe Courant of Corgyncombe Cottage and barn.
An old fashioned Thanksgiving for those at Corgyncombe Cottage, a delicious feast to be most thankful for!

In "Take Joy! The Tasha Tudor Christmas Book" there is a chickadee illustrated on the title page surrounded by nuts, berries, and winter greenery. There are some lovely birds illustrated on the cover and inside "Wings from the Wind, An Anthology of Poems" Selected and Illustrated by Tasha Tudor.

Diane has always loved watching birds, too. In grade school one of Diane's teachers loved birds and always fed them in a tree outside the window. Diane always liked to watch the birds instead of concentrating on school work. Diane received an award for perfect attendance which was a certificate to be redeemed at the bookstore. The second Diane walked in the bookstore she knew which book she wanted... a big wonderful book about birds. The book included a recording of all the lovely bird songs.
The Corgyncombe Courant encourages their dear readers to feed the birds throughout the winter and never forget to feed them daily as our little winged friends depend on us! The birds are always such a joy to watch and to hear! They can also be amusing to watch, like the nuthatch who likes to perch upside down.
Here is a link to a YouTube video where they prepared pumpkin for pumpkin pie using a similar method with the cheesecloth:
Pumpkin Pie from Scratch on YouTube
It has more instructions on cooking times and preparation.
Here is the link to Tasha Tudor and Family where you can purchase your own:
Tasha Tudor Reproduction Tin Kitchen.
Click on "Kitchen and Home" and then click on "Tin Kitchen".
Carl Giordano is the talented tinsmith who made Diane's Tasha Tudor Reproduction Tin Kitchen (sold by "Tasha Tudor and Family").
Here is a link to: Carl Giordano, Tinsmith
Tinsmith Carl Giordano makes two different tin kitchens.
The Tasha Tudor Reproduction Tin Kitchen can be ordered through Tasha Tudor and Family.
The Corgyncombe Courant hopes that all of our Dear Readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving!