Lily Dibble Dabble is Quacking with Excitement!

A Corgyncombe Tasha Tudor Birthday Giveaway!!!
Weather Update!!!
See Photos and Report Below!
This Sunday, August 28th, would have been Tasha Tudor's 96th birthday.
Diane and her daughter Sarah were so blessed to have Tasha for a friend.
Diane and Sarah had many kindred interests in common with Tasha such as spinning, weaving, knitting, natural dyeing, dolls, corgyn, goats, birds, gardening (flowers, herbs, and vegetables), old fashioned clothing and frocks, fireplace and woodstove cookery, canning, sewing, quilting, old books, and the old ways of living.
In honor of Tasha Tudor's Birthday, the Corgyncombe Courant is having a Giveaway of the book
"Drawn From New England, Tasha Tudor; A Portrait in Words and Pictures by Bethany Tudor".
Bethany Tudor is Tasha's older daughter.

Diane received a copy of "Drawn From New England" one memorable Christmas when the snow on the trees was Christmas card perfect and there was a light sparkly snow coming down.
"Drawn From New England" has photographs of Tasha as a child, her parents, her children, her dolls, some of Tasha's illustrations, and some photography by Nell Dorr. Bethany wrote about the family finding an old house in New Hampshire when she was a child and later Tasha's move to Vermont where her son Seth built her a wonderful old looking house! In the book, Bethany speaks of "Pumpkin Moonshine" Tasha's first published book, Tasha acquiring her first Corgi, seasonal celebrations, and many more interesting things in Tasha's life. The cover has a delightful photograph of Tasha and her Corgi lovingly smiling at each other! It is surrounded by Tasha Tudor's illustration of lovely wildflowers.
If you enjoy hearing about Tasha Tudor and the old fashioned things she pursued, then you will love this book!
(Lily Dibble Dabble is not included in the giveaway.)

Amelia is a doll who lives at Corgyncombe Cottage & Corg'ery and Melissa is her sister.
Melissa has returned from her European tour to join Amelia and her family and all at Corgyncombe Cottage for the Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration!
This morning, Melissa and the Dibble Dabbles followed a familiar path along Corgi Creek with the Dibble Dabbles going to and fro, in and out of the water, whilst Melissa gathered flowers for the Corgyncombe Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration! Even a few late blooming Dame's Rocket were found, a more customary spring flower.
The Corgyncombe Courant hopes to have a Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post on August 28th Tasha's birthday, however, dear readers, due to the hurricane delays are possible.
To enter the Corgyncombe Courant Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration Giveaway of "Drawn From New England", leave a comment on this post or on the Corgyncombe Courant's up and coming Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post.
This Giveaway is open to the Corgyncombe Courant's Dear Readers in the United States and Canada.
Comments are moderated so they may not appear right away.
Wow, it's running like Niagara!!!
Hurricane Irene is being felt at Corgyncombe Cottage and Corg'ery. The rains are coming down and the wind is gusting and Corgi Creek is overflowing and roaring. Despite all this, the animals still need to be fed and milked. Going to the barn this morning with my umbrella trying to cover me and my Wellies sloshing in the water, I made it to the barn, where I could see we were having a little overflow and leakage through the doors but everything was in pretty good stead. As I was coming up to the cottage from the barn, my milk cover flew off and my bucket started filling with Irene. Maybe we will have to make Irene Ice Cream!
We are still holding with power but reports say it's going out all around. The goat kiddles are up from the barn with us in the cottage. We hope to still be working on our special Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post as we are for the most part still up high and dry up in Corgyncombe Cottage... my husband says "I don't know if I'd say dry" as he went to plug a hole in the cellar.
After the Storm Update
Just a quick note to let you all know that all is well at Corgyncombe Cottage. The flooding was the worst we had ever seen here but the house is fine (especially after my husband plugged the hole in the cellar) and the barn (that we call the Ark) did not take float, even though a huge lake formed near it, thankfully the lake never quite reached the Ark. All of the animals that call the Ark their home are safe and enjoying this beautiful day after the storm. Thank you for prayers for safety amidst the flood. We hope to have our special Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post up for your enjoyment as soon as we can! We think you will find it worth the wait.
"The Ark" and a Rainbow after a 2009 storm.
Diane's Bible that she has had ever since she was a child, open to the rainbow after the flood.
You can still enter the Corgyncombe Giveaway for "Drawn From New England"!
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This Giveaway is open to the Corgyncombe Courant's Dear Readers in the United States and Canada.
Comments are moderated so they may not appear right away.

We are still holding with power but reports say it's going out all around. The goat kiddles are up from the barn with us in the cottage. We hope to still be working on our special Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post as we are for the most part still up high and dry up in Corgyncombe Cottage... my husband says "I don't know if I'd say dry" as he went to plug a hole in the cellar.
After the Storm Update
Just a quick note to let you all know that all is well at Corgyncombe Cottage. The flooding was the worst we had ever seen here but the house is fine (especially after my husband plugged the hole in the cellar) and the barn (that we call the Ark) did not take float, even though a huge lake formed near it, thankfully the lake never quite reached the Ark. All of the animals that call the Ark their home are safe and enjoying this beautiful day after the storm. Thank you for prayers for safety amidst the flood. We hope to have our special Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post up for your enjoyment as soon as we can! We think you will find it worth the wait.

You can still enter the Corgyncombe Giveaway for "Drawn From New England"!
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Thank you for offering such a lovely give-away! I have been looking for this book for years! I wish I could have gone with Melissa and the Dibble Dabbles to gather flowers for the Corgyncombe Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration! I am sure we would have had an enjoyable time together..Kathy L
Hi Diane and Sarah, Dibble Dabble and all the Furry, Feathery and Dolly Friends,
What a wonderful way to honor Tasha Tudor's Birthday!
This is my most favorite book about her life!
(since I already own it I shan't enter)
Good cheer to the winner!
Have a WONDERFUL week!
Many Blessings Lots of Hugs and Love, Linnie and the Mousiekins
We are having a Tasha Tudor weekend here on the farm. I am whipping up muffins and pancakes from her cookbook this morning using fresh-picked huckleberries from the nearby woods in place of blueberries. Then I will milk my nubian and take care of the chickens. It will be the first year of having our own farm fresh milk and eggs!
We will have a special tea time and art time this afternoon as well. We'll also watch "Take Joy!" as I can pickles in between.
I am hoping for more tomorrow, but we are planning on picking berries most of the day. I'll pack a picnic a la Tasha for sure!
Dear Diane and Sarah,
We would love to be entered in your giveaway; "Drawn From New England" is one book we haven't obtained yet, somehow! I'm glad that Lily Dibble Dabble is staying there with her friends; she would miss them too much, if she were to fly away.
We'll be looking forward to your next post, and we'll be praying for everyone's safety in the storm.
Marqueta and children
Ah, c'mon, can't Lily Dibble Dabble come along too? She is so darn cute! Sign me up, I would love this book. Cousin Jeri
I am a big fan of Tasha and treasure the memory of having met her a few years before she died. I would love to win this book.
Happy Birthday Tasha!
I love this wonderful woman.
Participate happy, thank you for the opportunity.
Yes, I would love to have that delightful book. I have been weeding my wild flower garden and late Dame's Rocket is peeking up and out in just a few shady places, but mostly here it is Garden Phlox gone wild following the early Rocket.
Happy Tasha Tudor Day everyone! We are ever joyful here at our 'Tasha West' home celebrating the gift of Tasha and all her wonderful gifts. From a beautiful sunrise to a candle lit garden this eve, we will have a day full of Tasha's inspirations. ALL things Tasha today~
Bethany Tudor and I continue to enjoy your blog and are happy to see that you are promoting Drawn From New England.
Kind regards of the day,
Ken Anderson
Love this tribute! And love Tasha's drawings. One almost feels pulled into the world on the page. And many times I wish I could enter that magical world!
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway as we celebrate Tasha Tudor today ♥
Dearest Dianne and Sarah,
How wonderful that you are offering this beautiful book! I was in our local bookstore, family owned, and the delightful proprietor searched in a back room, once he discovered miss Tasha was my favored author...and retrieved "the Art of Tasha Tudor" and "Forever Christmas"...I was beside myself! He promised to search his nearby warehouse, filled to the brim, for more of her treasures. I reminded him of her birthday this weekend. He also had a lovely book on Kate Greenaway, another of Tasha's influences..and I was able to acquire it and another of her prints, as well. I came home and enjoyed viewing "return to cranford" ..a new favorite.
On this, dear Tasha's day, I came first to your courant, for I knew you would have the most lovely tribute....and certainly, you do! Our little ducklings, Daphne and her long lost cousin Delilah, send their love and feathery hugs to their friend Lily. May you enjoy this special day, and know that you are included in our prayers for safety from the storms.
How lovely it would be to add this incredible book to our ever growing Tasha Tudor library.
Off to knit the lace edging on yet another Tasha cottage shawl for sister in law ...her birthday approaches.
Your dear friends,
Christie, Eliza, the ducklings, the cottage mice and the birds who are residing now at the Tulip Poplar Inn...I must begin a guest registry for the number and varying types grow each day!
Happy Tasha Tudor day! I always love coming to visit you hear and hearing your stories :)Tasha is such an inspiration to me as well, and Im so excited about the museum! I have a copy of Drawn from New England and it is a lovely, lovely book. So much inspiration and so sweet that it was done by her daughter.
I would like to be entered in the give away! I already posted above and didn't put my name!
Tasha West, Patti King
What a lovely book! I would love to read Drawn From New England. I'm so inspired by the life of Tasha Tudor and I dream of how I will share what I've learned with my children someday. The beautiful life you've created with your daughter is also very inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing and uplifting.♥
Dear Corgyncombe Courant Readers,
Just a quick note to let you all know that all is well at Corgyncombe Cottage. The flooding was the worst we had ever seen here but the house is fine (especially after my husband plugged the hole in the cellar) and the barn (that we call the Ark) did not take float, even though a huge lake formed near it, thankfully the lake never quite reached the Ark. All of the animals that call the Ark their home are safe and enjoying this beautiful day after the storm. Thank you for prayers for safety amidst the flood. We hope to have our special Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration 2011 post up for your enjoyment as soon as we can! We think you will find it worth the wait.
You can still enter the Corgyncombe Giveaway for "Drawn From New England"!
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Your friends,
Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, since Tasha and I share the same birthday month it would w be like winning a birthday gift!!
I just love your blog it is such a peaceful, joyful getaway.
thankyou very much for such a delightful giveaway. I adore Tasha Tudor and her lifestyle, and hope to live like her when I grow up.
Your blog is also very lovely!
Somehow my comment has been missed...
Could not help but celebrate the great
lady of imagination and wit...Happy
Birthday, beloved you are
missed! No doubt you will be an eternal inspiration, so long as flowers encircle a poem and corgyn,
rabbits and birds witness your Christmas festivities like no other.
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