June 23, 2010

Corgyncombe Goat Kiddles Lucy and Louisa May

The Flying Lu-Lou's
Sarah and Lucy
The Corgyncombe Goat Kiddles Lucy and Louisa May are such a delight to watch as they jump and run and do side winding wheelies.

They can even fly!

Louisa May

Goat kiddles are so cute but they do require a lot of work, with milking, feeding, mucking their pen, hauling water, hoof trimming, and the gathering and the bringing in of the hay.

We oft' times fondly refer to the goat kiddles as our "goatie puppies" as they will follow along behind as a puppy would.

Diane and Sarah have enjoyed teas and elevenishes with their friend Tasha Tudor and discussed many of their common kindred interests. One can imagine it would be such fun to have a tea over by the garden of herbs whilst watching the goat kids play, with such kindred country ladies as Tasha Tudor, Beatrix Potter, Helen Allingham, Gertrude Jekyll, Louisa May Alcott, and Edith Holden, all together at the same tea.

When impatient for her bottle, Lucy can wail like The Queen of the Night in "The Magic Flute"! We think she learned from us humorously singing it in the barn in the months before she was born! We've never heard anything quite like it before from a goatie puppy!

Lucy and Louisa May are blended in motion as you can see Lucy the reddish brown goat with Louisa's white ears!

The other night as we were walking down to the barn to do the milking it was sprinkling, when all of a sudden the sun came out and a full arc rainbow appeared just as were to go into "The Ark", what we call our barn. It was the latest in the day rainbow I had ever seen. Whilst milking Corgyncombe Dairy Goat Carmella Lucille, I enjoyed the lovely sunset. When the milking and feeding were done and we came outside our barn called "The Ark", the fireflies were flickering out in the meadow and over by the garden of herbs.

Things such as these are a country woman's joy!


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