A Tasha Tudor Birthday Tea!
Cake, Ice Cream, and Goat Races!
At The Corgyncombe Dairy the mixture for making goat ice cream is ready to be put into the old White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer. The receipt is Old-Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream from "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook".
Cranking the ice cream freezer.
The goat ice cream is done and the dasher will be removed.
In "The Real Pretend", written by Joan Donaldson and illustrated by Tasha Tudor, Kathy goes around to her neighbors to take pretend orders from the Larkins Catalog. Sarah was the model for Tasha Tudor's illustrations of the little girl Kathy in "The Real Pretend". In the book, one of Kathy's neighbors, Mr. Williams, is very fond of ice cream and he orders vanilla and salt just as Kathy hoped he would. When the pretend orders become real after her brother sends in the order, she has to go around and collect the money for all the goods that were ordered. Thankfully all the neighbors were pleasant about giving Kathy the money for the orders. One can see in Tasha's illustrations that Mr. Williams is indeed very fond of making ice cream, as all the equipment for making ice cream is on his porch. Mr. Williams encouraged Kathy to write the story of her Larkins selling career and reminded her "You're invited to help me make ice cream when I get my vanilla!"In the photograph above, Sarah is giving her cat a treat in front of the ice box. On the back inside cover of "The Real Pretend" you will see Tasha's illustration of Sarah as Kathy, that is very similar to Diane's photograph of Sarah in front of the ice box.
Tasha told us she had an ice box much like ours for years and that it was her task to empty the drip pan.
Diane's family used to make ice cream when she was little using an old fashioned ice cream freezer. Vanilla was always the favorite.
In "Becky's Birthday", written and illustrated by Tasha Tudor, she describes and illustrates making peach ice cream for Becky's birthday celebration. There is an illustration of Becky and her brother Ned licking the dasher.
In "The Springs of Joy", illustrated by Tasha Tudor, a young boy is turning the ice cream freezer crank, whilst other children, anticipating the ice cream to come, wait with spoons in hand at Tasha's back door. The corgyn also eagerly wait hoping they will get a lick of ice cream, too. Ralph Waldo Emerson is quoted on the page "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."When you first open up Tasha Tudor's "Seasons of Delight" there is a pop up of Tasha's barn and cottage and there is an illustration of children making ice cream, again awaiting the ice cold treat along with the corgyn.
All at Corgyncombe Cottage are in anticipation of Carmella Lucille's frozen, vanilla delicacy. Lydia Corgi reminds us of the little dog Duchess who was invited to tea by Ribby the cat in "The Tale of The Pie and The Patty-Pan" by Beatrix Potter. Lydia has always thought that ice cream and cake is more pleasant than mouse pie for tea. Lydia, who has tucked her ears in tight, wears an antique baby sunbonnet. Sarah has always said since she was little that corgis tuck their ears back for smooth petting.
At the word that another batch of Carmella Lucille's Vanilla Ice Cream is cooling in the freezer, the goat kiddles race in anticipation! They know how delicious Carmella Lucille's milk is. Brownie is on the fence side, Daisy is coming in last on the pasture side, and little Sweet Pea is in the lead in the middle. Look at those ears fly! The Corgyncombe Courant reporter and photographer Diane Shepard Johnson, snapped this action photograph.
Lydia Rebecca Sly Corgi watches as the goats race by. Like the residents of Corgiville in Tasha Tudor's "Corgiville Fair", Lydia likes to watch the goat races.Charlotte the doll, who is having tea on the lawn, was heard saying "I hope the corgyn and goats aren't going to run me down in their enthusiasm for ice cream!
For Tasha Tudor's Birthday Tea, a cake from The Corgyncombe Bakery.
The receipt used is Becky's Birthday Cake from "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook". Late summer wildflowers give a cheerful note as they circle the top of the cake.
The ice cream is ready...
and it is delicious!
Charlotte finds a nice place in the shade to enjoy her tea, cake, and ice cream. Her cake, decorated with forget-me-nots, is from The Corgyncombe Bakery and her goat ice cream is from The Corgyncombe Dairy.
Charlotte is using this delightful tea strainer that she received as a gift. If you look closely you will see a little bear decorating the handle.

After a delightful celebration, Lydia is feeling rather contented.Lydia sends greetings to Pretty Pearl the Poodle.
Dear Jane,
We are so glad that you enjoyed the post.
When I was making Sarah's Middy outfit I could envision Sarah in front of the ice box with the cat. We loved watching the movie Pollyanna and the fashions she received. Lydia Corgi doesn't seem to mind hats but we have to monitor her activity. Yes, ice cream does taste better when you make it yourself!
Diane and Sarah
Dear Matty,
We're happy that you found your visit to our blog enjoyable.
Diane and Sarah
Dearest Diane,
Pearl and I thank you for visiting us and for your very kind words! Pearl sends you a hug, and so do I!
Oh, what an absolutely delightful and beautiful post! Pearl and I always enjoy our visits with you... so much beauty to behold at your Corgyncombe Cottage!!! Your photos are gorgeous and you capture the beauty that surrounds you in such a magical way. How wonderful you make Tasha's vanilla ice cream receipt the old-fashioned way. I loved reading about your sweet Sarah being the model for Tasha's book. The photo looks just like Tasha's illustrations. What a blessing you and Sarah were to her! Lydia Corgi is precious in her sweet bonnet! Oh, just look at that darling face! I could giver her a hug!
I can imagine her delight when she tasted the delicious vanilla ice cream. That is Pearl's favorite, too! The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan was always a favorite of mine and Justin's. Pearl agrees with Lydia that "ice cream and cake are more pleasant than mouse pie for tea!" Brownie, Daisy and Sweetpea are just adorable. Look at those ears flying, indeed! I can see how they love vanilla ice cream, too! Oh, Diane, the cake is beautiful and the wildflowers add a perfect touch, and the ice cream looks delicious!
I am so glad Charlotte had tea with cake, those forget-me-nots are so sweet on the top, and ice cream. She looks very happy! The tea strainer is beautiful. I have not seen one with a bear. I love all of her pretty tea dishes.
Pearl the Poodle thanks Lydia the Corgi for sending her such kind greetings, she hardily returns them.
Thank you for sharing Tasha Tudor's birthday tea. Pearl and I enjoyed being a part of your beautiful and happy celebration.
Thank you for all you share, Diane and Sarah. Your sweet spirit and creativity are a blessing and inspiration to me!
Love your friend, Paula
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