This morning whilst out gathering wildflowers along Corgi Creek, I saw a little wren on the woodpile and a little Chippy Hackee (Beatrix Potter's name for a chipmunk) scampering about. One can feel a coolness in the air now and Corgi Creek was pleasantly babbling in the background. There is an apricot glow that starts in the wildflowers and the tops of the cornfields that eventually will work its way to the trees as autumn approaches.
When I came inside I smelled the cake on the table that needs frosting that will be enjoyed later at Tasha Tudor's Birthday Tea.
By this time, the corgyn were more than ready for breakfast and a necessary outing.
In the old barn, 'twas nice this cool morn to sit on the milking stand close to Carmella Lucille and feel her warmth as I did the pleasant required task of milking. The goat kiddles are so cute and friendly, they even still want to sit on our laps after breakfast. They always enjoy our version of the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"... but that is a tale for another time.
All these daily things remind us of Tasha. We had so many things in common.
How grateful we are to have been her friend and kindred spirit.
When I came inside I smelled the cake on the table that needs frosting that will be enjoyed later at Tasha Tudor's Birthday Tea.
By this time, the corgyn were more than ready for breakfast and a necessary outing.
In the old barn, 'twas nice this cool morn to sit on the milking stand close to Carmella Lucille and feel her warmth as I did the pleasant required task of milking. The goat kiddles are so cute and friendly, they even still want to sit on our laps after breakfast. They always enjoy our version of the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"... but that is a tale for another time.
All these daily things remind us of Tasha. We had so many things in common.
How grateful we are to have been her friend and kindred spirit.

Sarah was Tasha's model for the illustrations of the little girl Kathy in "The Real Pretend". It is a true story about a little girl who goes round to her neighbors, taking pretend orders from the Larkins Catalog.

What a delight the book is with the lovely, detailed paintings and the story where Tasha's wonderful sense of humor comes shining through. Tasha Corgi stands in front. "Corgiville Fair" is amongst the all time favorites at The Corgyncombe Library. It is some of Tasha's best work! If you haven't seen "Corgiville Fair" you are missing out!!!

The cake receipt, "Becky's Birthday Cake", is in "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook".
