May 31, 2009

Charlotte's First Tea at Corgyncombe

Charlotte has Arrived!
The lovely and delightful Charlotte arrived at Corgyncombe on Friday. She enjoyed Tasha Tudor's Welsh Breakfast Tea in the apothecary at Corgyncombe Cottage. Charlotte is very happy to make her new home at Corgyncombe. She was amused by some of the tales related to her by The Corgyncombe Courant Reporters.

Charlotte is an oft' used name in the Braddock family, ancestors of The Corgyncombe Courant reporters Diane and Sarah.

As Charlotte has kindred interests with those at Corgyncombe, she looks forward to the many old fashioned tasks and activities that will take place. Candlemaking, goat keeping, soap making, herbs, and making lavender wands were amongst the topics discussed at tea. After tea she opened her box and showed The Corgyncombe Courant Reporters the handsewn finery that she brought with her. Oh, what superb taste Charlotte has in frocks and clothing!

Charlotte enjoyed Tasha Tudor's Welsh Breakfast Tea.

Another day, Charlotte will allow The Corgyncombe Courant to feature more of her many treasures. But now there are gardens to weed and plant and goats to tend so you will have to be patient...


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