Nanny Nettie-Kin decided to have a Forget-Me-Not Fair to promote the delight and appreciation of her favorite flower, forget-me-nots!
The fair booth amongst the forget-me-nots!
We've been planning a fair for a long time, for the Bleuette dolls and then for the Hitty dolls. My daughter Sarah designed the fair booth and Sarah, Tillie Tinkham the seamstress mouse at Corgyncombe, and Nanny Nettie-Kin made the tent cover. This is one of our surprise projects! The decorative edge was made with our fancy trim cutter and the tent was sewn on an old hand-crank Singer sewing machine.
The Bleuette dolls at Corgyncombe have had a bake sale in the past, featured on the Corgyncombe Courant, to raise buttons to bring Elizabeth's Mummy home after she was shipwrecked on a deserted island. It was a great success as Mummy had a jubilant return home!
Fairs are so much fun!
Some of the photographs and some of the writings on this post are from previous Corgyncombe Courant posts that can be found here on the Corgyncombe Courant.
A festive forget-me-not table display.
Nanny Nettie-Kin's favorite fowl flew in for the fun!
Nanny Nettie-Kin has baked some fancy cakes, pastries, and breads and has homemade cheese to sell at her
Forget-Me-Not Fair.
Hitty Rebecca helps Nanny Nettie-Kin set up her booth at the fair.
Hitty Rebecca helps Nanny Nettie-Kin set up her booth at the fair.
Nanny Nettie-Kin, Hitty Rebecca and little Bobby were made by talented doll carver Judy Brown.
"Corgiville Fair" written and illustrated by Tasha Tudor.
What a delight the book is with the lovely, detailed paintings and the story where Tasha's wonderful sense of humor comes shining through. Tasha Corgi stands in front. "Corgiville Fair" is amongst the all time favorites at the Corgyncombe Library. It is some of Tasha's best work! If you haven't seen "Corgiville Fair" you are missing out!
What a delight the book is with the lovely, detailed paintings and the story where Tasha's wonderful sense of humor comes shining through. Tasha Corgi stands in front. "Corgiville Fair" is amongst the all time favorites at the Corgyncombe Library. It is some of Tasha's best work! If you haven't seen "Corgiville Fair" you are missing out!
Tasha Tudor illustrated delightfully festive fairs in her books "Corgiville Fair", "A Time to Keep", and "All for Love". "A Time to Keep" in September features the dolls' fair with booths for selling.

Little Bobby has arrived and has his eye on a pumpkin pie!
Nanny says "Bobby needs to be watched, he almost stole my Hot Cross Buns at Easter time! I caught him just in time!"
She is worried (with good reason) that Bobby will eat all the goodies before the fair-goers arrive!
Nanny Nettie-Kin's Corgyncombe Forget-Me-Nots, seeds to sow for a beauteous sea of dainty forget-me-nots!
The "b" on the seed package stands for buttons.
Tasha Tudor had the children use buttons to buy goods for their dolls and animals. The currency for the dolls at Corgyncombe is buttons, as well.
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copyright © 2014 Diane Shepard Johnson and Sarah E. Johnson
copyright © 2014 Diane Shepard Johnson and Sarah E. Johnson