Izannah Walker (1817-1888) made dolls using a special technique.
Izannah Walker lived in New England and her Walker ancestors lived very near where Diane and Sarah's Walkers came from.
You can find more information about Izannah Walker dolls and the technique used in making them in the Christmas 2011 issue of "Early American Life" magazine and in the August 2011 issue of "Antique Doll Collector" magazine.

Above, a rabbit and chickadee seen below the Corgyncombe bird feeder.
The rabbit above reminds us of the pastel done by Tasha Tudor of Colonel Bunn the rabbit.

'Twas such a delight for Diane to wake up mornings at Tasha Tudor's to the sight of Colonel Bunn, especially since Diane has always had such an interest in bunnies. A print of Colonel Bunn can be found on the Tasha Tudor and Family web site. Colonel Bunn was named after a person that Tasha knew of. This reminds the genealogical researchers (as Tasha would say) at Corgyncombe of Fanny Bunn, a cousin to Diane and Sarah through the Taylors. Fanny Bunn was listed on the census as having 16 little Bunns. One of Fanny Bunn's sons was named Peter Russell Bunn and one of the daughters was named Fanny Belle Bunn. We have named some of the bunnies at the Corgyncombe Bunn'ery after Fanny Bunn's little Bunns Peter Russell and Fanny Belle. Bunn'ery is a word that Diane and Sarah use, meaning a place where delightful wild and tame bunnies and rabbits happily and hoppily dwell.
The little chickadee outside with the bunny in the photograph above makes Diane think of the chickadee that Diane found one cold morn in January 2009, upside down, quivering in the snowy cold. It looked stunned, as if it had flown into something and fallen. Diane picked it up and brought it into the house where she held it in the warmth of her hand for awhile. After a bit the chickadee started moving about and Diane took it outside, opened her hand and 'twas most exhilarating for Diane to see the chickadee fly off free to a tree limb.
When Sarah was little we went to hear a quartet playing at an old historic house. We then went out to dinner. Our after dinner plans were altered as Sarah announced that she wanted to go back to listen to the "pretty usic". The event was held on a different day than it had been in years past so it was practically a private performance. Sarah sat on her Daddy's lap with her elegantly dressed bear until the evening's entertainments were brought to an end. The cellist was so impressed with Sarah's attentiveness that she invited her to feel the cello vibrate as the bow graced the strings. In a few years hence, Sarah would start playing the violin and played 1st violin in her own quartet!
In the 1975 version of "The Night Before Christmas" illustrated by Tasha Tudor, Tasha wrote to Sarah:
"To Miss Sarah who wears fine boots! Love from Tasha Tudor"

Charlotte and Bridget were both made by the talented dollmaker Margaret Flavin.
Colonel Bunn at Tasha Tudor's Corgi Cottage.
The canopy bed is the same one where the parents are tucked in "for a long winter's nap", that is drawn in the 1999 version of "The Night Before Christmas" illustrated by Tasha Tudor.

The canopy bed is the same one where the parents are tucked in "for a long winter's nap", that is drawn in the 1999 version of "The Night Before Christmas" illustrated by Tasha Tudor.

Izzibeth was made to have the look of an antique Izannah doll that has been a joyful dolly playmate for many a little girl throughout the years. She has such a sweet smile and expression! She has a resemblance to Diane's Grandmum and Great Grandmum and feels quite like family!

The double pink sunbonnet reminds us of Izzibeth's.

IzziAnnie came to Corgyncombe Cottage last year and what a delight she has been!
She is wearing a lovely blue frock made by Margie Herrera of antique fabric.

If you look closely you will see a little bear decorating the handle.

Bridget has sweet hand painted ringlets.
She is wearing a lovely Christmas head wreath that Margaret Flavin made.
Diane can picture more head wreaths for Bridget using the wild and homegrown flowers out and about Corgyncombe.

In the photograph above Peter Russell Bunn is underneath the bird feeder where he suddenly stands up and surveys the acreage.
In Beatrix Potter's "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", Peter Rabbit lost his jacket and hid in a water can as he was fleeing and hiding from Mr. McGregor. Right after Peter left the water can and took flight out of the tool-shed window knocking over some potted geraniums, Beatrix Potter illustrated the poor panicked Peter who was pondering which way to go, desperate to locate a way to escape out of the garden. The illustration of Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit reminds The Corgyncombe Courant of Peter Russell Bunn seen standing alongside the smokehouse underneath the bird feeder.
Of course Corgyncombe is still snow covered and wintry, and lush greenery is but a memory and a dream to come true in a sunny, warmer time. Peter will have to be patient... however he will have to stay out of Mrs. Johnson's gardens come gardening season.

In Charlotte's cozy kitchen, she has mixed up some dough for making crackers. She has used butter that she hand churned from the Corgyncombe Dairy Goat Carmella Lucille's cream. In the above photograph, she has rolled out the dough, cut out the crackers, and is pricking designs in them with a fork. On the cookie sheet in front of her are some crackers that have been baked in her old fashioned wood cookstove.
Margaret Flavin made Charlotte a wardrobe of clothing, including frocks, cape, cap, bonnet, apron, stockings, shoes, undergarments, chemisette, and purse.
The apron she wears in the photograph above, over her frock, is an antique.

Charlotte finds a nice place in the shade to enjoy her tea, cake, and ice cream. Her cake, decorated with forget-me-nots, is from the Corgyncombe Bakery and her goat ice cream is from the Corgyncombe Dairy.
Charlotte used receipts from "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook" for the cake and ice cream.

This year we decided to have a tree like Grandmum's to put in the old fashioned kitchen/herbary.
When guests arrived the old Kalliope music box was playing.
Simply magic!!!

In the photograph above are toys beneath the old fashioned table top Christmas tree.
In the 1975 version of "The Night Before Christmas" illustrated by Tasha Tudor, there is a two page colour illustration in the book with a Christmas tree surrounded by Christmas toys, such as a rocking horse, a doll house, a doll riding in a carriage, a doll with a trunk full of clothes, a toy sheep, a jump rope, a copper kettle, a doll sofa, a tea set, a miniature wash set and drying rack, a sled, a drum, a wagon with blocks, a Jack-in-the-box, toy soldiers, a cow on wheels, a bubble pipe, a ball, and a toy dog on wheels. What a delightful illustration of a Happy Christmas!
In the 1975 version of "The Night Before Christmas" illustrated by Tasha Tudor, there is a two page colour illustration in the book with a Christmas tree surrounded by Christmas toys, such as a rocking horse, a doll house, a doll riding in a carriage, a doll with a trunk full of clothes, a toy sheep, a jump rope, a copper kettle, a doll sofa, a tea set, a miniature wash set and drying rack, a sled, a drum, a wagon with blocks, a Jack-in-the-box, toy soldiers, a cow on wheels, a bubble pipe, a ball, and a toy dog on wheels. What a delightful illustration of a Happy Christmas!